Having time to enjoy the island....we did!! Our friends, Ray & Ann joined us for part of our stay and we loved showing them the island. Together we traveled around St.John in our rented Jeep including brunch at Miss Lucys and surviving the drive to Little Lameshur Bay for some great snorkeling.
Took walks to Maho Bay and snorkeled in search of Queen Angel fish -- success!! We hiked almost 7 miles roundtrip to Waterlemon Cay, swam and snorkeled round the island, and then a stop on the way back at Maho Camp (sadly closing for good this May) for rootbeer floats Island rootbeer and Ben&Jerrys HeathBar Crunch -- YUM!! Taxied into town, Cruz Bay, for Woody's and the BarBQ. Somehow the time went by too fast.
We also volunteered for a day with the Friends of the Virgin Islands National Park. Were given a huge lopper, some well worn gloves, and off we went to clear the trail to the old Danish ruin on the hill overlooking Waterlemon Cay. A rewarding experience except we learned to be careful of the cactus. So rewarding that we came back to picnic at the estate house that days earlier, we had helped clear from the fast growing trees and plants.
CHEERS! Already looking forward to when we can come back to Cinnamon Bay.