Our first stop along Lake Mead at the NPS Boulder Beach campground. The park service continues to upgrade this campground with paved and level campsites. Now under construction are the camping loops on the north side, so even though almost 50% of the campsites were closed due to construction, we once again scored a great site with views of Lake Mead.
And a side note: when checking out this campground we found the NPS photo that has our 2010 Winnebago Vista at another of the primo sites! How cool!
And now with our E-bikes we were ready to tackle the 26 mile bike trail loop. One day we headed to town of Boulder City which was built to support the building of Hoover Dam. Another day we rode the trail north along Lake Mead.
We did have a shortened stay at Boulder Beach, as Morey figured out what caused the smell of burning plastic that we had noted at Snow Canyon. Our transfer switch which manages our shore power (110v) had a loose wire which was sparking and arcing...…...NOT GOOD! No fire, but worrisome. So on day two at Lake Mead, we were able to get an appointment at Findlay RV (where we go for oil changes in Las Vegas), and after some checking and needing to wait a day for the new switch, we were all repaired and back on our travels.
We then headed to Red Canyon, one of the most developed BLM parks we've ever visited. Arriving at the campground we discovered our online chosen site would never accommodate our RV...and it was Veterans Weekend and the park was 100% full. Talking with the campground host, we were able to obtain a site near the host's area. AOK!
Once again it was time to take our E-bikes out for a spin; this time on the 13 mile loop road which also climbed almost 1500 fee
With only a couple of days until our departure back to home, we headed back to Las Vegas and stayed at Sams Casino KOA. Somewhat of a parking lot, but a great park to get our RV prepped for storage, our laundry done, and even time to take their shuttle to the "Strip." Even took in a show, Beatles Love with Cirque du Soleil -- we loved the show and of course, the music!
We all live in a yellow submarine.....err......a Winnebago RV !
Thursday morning was our travel home day, so we headed over to our newly chosen storage lot. All good and only a $15 Lyft ride to the airport. No record, but we arrived at the departures gate 2.5 hours early. But of course!
Home we went...…………..and all good back in New Jersey.