It's only once that you celebrate your 61st birthday, and where you celebrate, is the important part. So....First get dressed in "proper attire", hop on your bike and cycle 5 miles, then ditch your helmet and leisurely stroll into the Grand dining room for a very proper dinner....And most important, it was good!!
After camping for the past few months, how nice to be attended to at the lovely turn-of-the-century Club, on Jekyll Island.

Everything about Jekyll Island was Grand. Nicely paved bike paths, beautiful "live" oaks (centuries old) with spanish moss, turn of the century buildings and service, and even a nice campground. We even watched the moonrise where the full moon came up out of the Atlantic on its closest orbital pass in 18 years - Spectacular!

Savannah was next on our itinerary. Drove in and parked our RV at the visitor center and spent all day walking through the many parks and exploring the turn of the century (1800s) houses. Looking for Southern Fried Chicken for lunch, Morey googled, "fried chicken Savannah"; and up pops KFC, local fast food places, and Mrs. Wilkes. So we decided on Mrs. Wilkes....if we had only known that there would be an hour line for a family style fried chicken dinner (and 22 other dishes!). Well worth it. We discovered that we followed President Obama by a few months. Guess we both wanted the fine Southern cooking at the incredible price of $16 per person. Google comes through. Barely able to move following this meal, we walked around town, took a house tour of the Owen-Thomas house, and then indulged at Leopolds for a genuine soda and a malt.... OMG!
We were in Fort Lauderdale and watched that amazing moon. Happy Birthday too.