This Fall we're heading back out west. COVID will be in our thoughts as we plan for adventures while we stay safe! Our plans are to head first to Colorado, then zip over to Utah. Lots of hiking and biking are planned along our route.

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Sunday, November 8, 2020

Our Blog, Blowin-in-the-Wind, is being suspended..................


After almost ten years and with hundreds of posts, Morey & Ruthie are moving on to a new medium.  At the beginning, our kids said, "why don't you just post on Facebook?"  But we didn't agree.  Our blog has been fun to create and to publish.  We've loved the comments from our followers, and this blog has been a great reference, but it's time.

It is because we're just too busy doing...not blogging...

Such incredible experiences, incredible places, incredible travels.......

Years from now, we will look at our life travel blogs, and think...."WOW, what a life!"  And with that, we say goodbye for now.  Thank you for EVERYTHING.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

And there's so much more !

 We've continued our travels to our beloved West!  First to Ridgway in Colorado, then Needles Canyonland, then the Kanab area, and finally back to Zion National Park.  Too much time camping, hiking, and marveling at all of the beauty that this wonderful country has granted to us.  So no tales of our adventures, just some great photos to remember.

Hiking near Ridgway Colorado

Our PRIMO campsite at Needles

Slot Canyons near Kanab

One of our HAPPY PLACES, Zion National Park